Archive for July 27th, 2009


Why do we Slurp?


–verb (used with object)

1. to ingest (food or drink) with loud sucking noises: He slurped his coffee.

–verb (used without object)

2. to make loud sucking noises while eating or drinking: to slurp when eating soup.

I slurp while drinking tea and sometimes I feel it to be annoying and I need to be very conscious to not slurp. Was just trying to figure out why we slurp?

After going thru innumerable explanations, I understand its more to do with the culture too. The Britons and the Americans don’t appreciate slurping where-as the Indians and the Asians take it as a compliment.

Its more to do with the culture than anything else. Have not been able to find any scientific explanation to why we slurp… However, I leave you with this.

Some interesting facts

  • The Chinese consider Slurp-ing as a sign of appreciation of food.
  • And Japanese too. The louder you slurp, the bigger is the compliment.

So what’s this blog about?

Another attempt? Well yes. Attempting to figure out another sustainable model (there are some other attempts going on parallel-ly). Well, we have a lot of questions in mind. we read up stuff, we do some research to find answers to these questions. This is an attempt to publish that little 15-20 minute research.

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